I am currently in the job market! If my research background and experience fit your expectations for positions in either academic departments or industry, I would really appreciate that you could reach out to me.
PhD in GIScience, 2022
University of Zurich
MEng in Cartography and Geographic Information Engineering, 2018
China Unversity of Geosciences (Wuhan)
BEng in Geographic Information Systems, 2015
China Unversity of Geosciences (Wuhan)
[2024-12-09] Received an ICA Scholarship and won the Best Student Paper Presentation Award for early-career researchers in AsiaCarto, held in Hong Kong, China, with the oral representtion Towards the spatially aware learning of building generalization in image maps.
[2024-10-18] Accepted for a paper at International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation.
[2024-04-12] We are organizing the IndoorLBS workshop at EuroCarto 2024.
[2023-06-11] Accepted for a paper at ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing.
[2023-04-01] We are organizing the CartoAI workshop at GIScience 2023.
[2022-07-01] Start a new SNSF project, DeepGeneralization, as a postdoc.
[2022-06-20] Successfully defended my thesis, titled with Hierarchical modeling of indoor spaces: Towards route communication at multiple levels of detail for navigation in buildings.
[2022-03-19] Gave an invited talk in UPINLBS 2022 with Prof. Haosheng Huang.
[2021-12-18] Accepeted for a paper at Computers, Environment and Urban Systems.
[2021-11-23] Gave a presentation for the short paper in LBS 2021 Conference.
[2021-09-30] Gave a presentation for the short paper in GIScience 2021 Conference.
[2021-07-19] Accepted for a paper at Spatial Cognition and Computation.
[2021-06-18] Accepted for a paper at International Journal of Geographical Information Science.
[2020-11-30] Awarded the GRC Travel Grant by Graduate Campus at UZH.
[2019-05-28] Gave the PhD concept talk in the Department of Geography at UZH.
[2018-09-01] Joined the GIScience Center at University of Zurich.
Utilizing Deep Learning in Map Generalization
Geospatial information extraction from texts
Computational Hierarchy Modelling of Indoor Spaces
An Indoor Social Networking System
A Context-aware Indoor Emergency Navigation System
Guojian Zou (Visiting PhD student, Tongji University), Traffic prediction using graph convolutional neural networks, 2023.10 - present.
Jingyi Zhou (Visiting PhD student, Nanjing Normal University), Generalizaiton of indoor navigation map, 2022.12 - present.
Joris Senn, Contextual operators in cartographic building generalization: A deep learning approach (Master thesis), 2024.02 - present.
Jan Winkler, Exploring the Swin Transformer Architecture for the Generalization of Building Footprints in Binary Cartographic Maps (Master thesis, swisstopoEDU Award 2023), 2022.05 - 2023.04.
Nicolas Belinger, Exploring Deep Learning for Deformative Operators in Vector-Based Cartographic Road Generalization (Master thesis, swisstopoEDU Award 2023), 2022.05 - 2023.04.
Lars Weidinger, Mobility Analytics for sustainable transport, health, and movement ecology (Bachelor thesis), 2024.06.
Sebastian Gmür, GeoAI: Artificial intelligence for geographic applications (Bachelor thesis), 2023.06.